Unreal Tournament 2014 Maps
unreal tournament 2014 maps

Unreal Tournament 2014 Maps Series Since 2007

Unreal Tournament 4 is the latest (as of. It was going to be the first main entry in the series since 2007's Unreal Tournament 3, being developed by Epic Games with contribution of the community. It is currently in development for Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux. Unreal Tournament 4 is the upcoming ninth installment of the Unreal series and fifth installment of the Unreal Tournament series.

I still hop on an instagib or bt server every now and then.Unreal Tournament 3 marks the return of the worlds premi&232 re first-person shooter. I played ut99 online from 2007ish-2014ish and was a part of a few different online communities. I may run a few other categories. Been creating realistic scenarios with real-time technology since 2014.I just submitted runs for dm and assault.

In-game times and separate categories would probably be the best bet although the timer is limited to seconds, and it rounds it off if you land in between. There also seems to be discrepancy on start and stop times as well.Load times are affected randomly as i've met people with better pc setups then mine that load the game slower than me and vice versa. Times will be very different. If people run it with the GOTY edition, they are doing different maps in certain categories, and more maps in certain categories. If people run it with the GOTY edition, they are doing different maps in.Everything NotBaDocha said is true. Players engage in intense battles with other human players online, or against Unreal artificial intelligence that sets the industry standard.I played ut99 online from 2007ish-2014ish and was a part of a few different.

Normally the latter is consistent and the former is inconsistent.Unless there is some way to tweak the game to make the load times even. I'm talking about how long it takes a map to end after you complete the final objective (like the final frag in dm) and how long it can take a map to load after you have selected it from the menu. To be specific, I'm not talking about the menu inbetween maps. I guess this would be more of an issue if a few people really grinded this game out. However, if more people were to run it, especially in the shorter categories like assault, you will come to find that the varying load times may have a large impact on the overall real time, which technically, wouldn't be fair.

1/100's of seconds could possibly even be human error. I timed the load times using live split, and I then averaged out the 5 runs to get a decent representation of the load time for that specific render:The difference was minimal (which kind of surprised me). I chose high speed because it is the longest load time due to the helicopter animation, so, any possible variance in load times would be easier to see instead of another map with a shorter load time. I did this 5 times for a series of renders to see if specific renders could activate the load times at the end of maps. I used this bind to let me cruise through high speed. I'll continue to submit runs regardless of whats decided here.Sorry for the delay, I have completed enough testing and comparisons that I feel comfortable making a post.First, I created a keybind so that whenever I hold down a specific key I would enter ghost mode (it is a cheat), and whenever I let go of the key it would deactivate ghost mode.

All of the times are in seconds, and the times represent the time to load between O-D and D-Menu. There is a load between Offense and Defense (Frigate O for example), and a load between Defense and the game menu (Frigate D for example). I found some discrepancies between the load times of each player:So, Column A are the loads for the map. What got interesting was when I pulled up the three current assault videos that are listed on the site.

I calculated the total load time for each of us in Row 15, and you can see that there is about a 6 second difference between ocha's overall load time and the two of us. The rows highlighted in blue are load times where he is over a second slower than either of us for that particular load time. NotBaDocha has some slower speeds.

We think this fluctuation causes the load times to take even longer. I discussed this with a friend who played UT online even longer than me, and we THINK (can't really know for sure) that the struggling indicates that his FPS fluctuates. You can see that it is a bit choppier than mine and rhino's. Six seconds could end up being a lot if other people ever decided to run the game.The issue LOOKS to be that ocha's computer kind of struggles in his assault run. My best ever possible with my current route would probably be 6:50-6:51. It does not look like it right now as there are only three recorded times, but right now I have a pb of 6:58 Real Time (video is pending right now).

Rhino's total load time is less than mine however, my difference between real time and in-game time is lower than his. The difference between Real Time and In-game time do not line up with the difference in load times for each player. There are a lot of reasons as to why it could be problematic, and I don't even know if it is possible to know for sure that the fluctuating fps is the problem.The final thing regarding load times I'd like to mention is seen on Row 17 of the above graphic. Trying to run too high of graphics settings, possibly trying to run UT99 and a streaming program at the same time, running too many programs at once etc. His FPS may be fluctuating due to many reasons: trying to run too high of a resolution.

When you add each player's individual menuing times (which I did not calculate) with their Total Load Times, it comes out to the different order you see on Row 17.N a y w y n N a y w y n and cyborg cyborg like this.(Another post to break the wall of text). If you watch the vid, my menuing seems to be the fastest as I hit esc and quickly click my mouse onto assault and then to the right arrow to select the next map asap. I believe this is due to the combination of the Total Load Times (which are not counted in the In-game times) and each player's menuing (choosing the next map to play and also not counted in In-game time).

unreal tournament 2014 maps

I know no one runs it, and there is a chance nobody will run it again, but this info is here if anyone needs it now. If you ask, I try to deliver. There is no ini setting that instantly skips this animation.Sorry for the wall(s) of text. You can only skip that if you hit esc right when you see the animation start. Usually there is a short animation that shows the unlocking of the next ladder. This is the same for when you unlock a new ladder (if you are doing a full-game run for example).

unreal tournament 2014 mapsunreal tournament 2014 maps

Do the three maps in each ladder which would normally unlock the next category, and then do all 4 challenge matches to win the game. Just a taste of each category.Edit: 3x3x3x3x4 may be the best of both worlds.

unreal tournament 2014 maps